A few days ago, Bruno and I realized that it marked exactly 2 months since we got married. We're not ones for celebrating every little relationship milestone (remember in junior high when people celebrated their 2 week anniversaries? :) or even Valentine's Day- we did nothing out of the ordinary. But because it was Saturday, and it was sunny, we went to London. I had been sick and cranky in bed all week. I hadn't even left the flat in 2 days (pathetic, I know), so it felt so good to be out again. We decided to go to Abbey Road and be tourists and recreate the iconic Beatles album cover. I felt so awkward slowly crossing the street holding up traffic, and unavoidably messing up other people's pictures in the process, but we thought it was kind of a London right of passage. It was neat to see all the writing and graffiti on the walls outside Abbey Road Studios as well. One message said "The Beatles were great, but come on PINK FLOYD" hahaha. Another fun part of it is that there is a "live"
camera so you can witness people's awkward crossings online from anywhere in the world.
We then drove to Covent Garden, miraculously found free parking, and had dinner somewhere that had been on our minds for a long time:
Creme de la Crepe! I had never been to Covent Garden and fell in love with the old vegetable market-turned shopping center, cobblestoned-streets and white lights strung up overhead. People were eating and drinking outside by open-flame heaters and walking around shopping for clothes and chocolates and beauty products. It was fun to see some London "street style" first hand- and suddenly I'm in the market for a
floppy felt hat :(. We walked all around, coming across huge mobs of people crowded drinking outside the pubs, singing drinking songs in unison. There was an inch of beer and broken glass underfoot as we squeezed through them, but it felt great to be surrounded by such so many people in such high spirits (maybe from drinking too much spirits but still). We walked through Picadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, all the way to Big Ben and then along the Thames. It was kind of cute to see so many people out late, enjoying the sites. I saw a tough-looking guy with long hair in a leather jacket walking with his friends suddenly stop by the Thames, whip out a camera, and steal a picture of the London Eye. A French girl asked me to take a photo of her and her mom, who were in matching white puffy coats and hugged each other tightly for
the picture.
We drove through the city to Greenwich Park, where there is an astronomical observatory, but it was closed! There is a great view of London from the north across the river as you climb the hill in the park, so we'll have to go back another night. Unplanned, with no expectations, it was a great way to celebrate the first couple of months of marriage: feeling full of love, life, and crepes.